Valley of Desolation


About Valley of Desolation

Valley of Desolation

Sheer cliffs and precariously balanced columns of Dolerite rise 120 metres from the valley floor, against the timeless backdrop of the vast plains of the Camdeboo. This is the product of volcanic and erosive forces of nature over 100 million years.

This breathtaking site is a short 14 km drive from the town. Any visitor to the Camdeboo National Park will be surprised to discover the diversity of fauna and flora. There are over 220 recorded species of birdlife, 336 plants and 43 mammals. Catch a glimpse of the endangered Cape Mountain Zebra, plenty of Kudu, Buffalo, the majestic Black Eagle and the Kori Bustard, the heaviest flying bird in the world.

You have a choice of scenic picnic sites in the Park, and for those a little more energetic, there are three hiking trails which range from 1 hour in duration to overnight hikes - be sure to bring your camera!

Did you know:

The Valley of Desolation forms part of the national school curriculum? The Park offers school groups guided tours up to the Valley with a detailed description of how it was formed.

Google Map

Rates at Valley of Desolation

Entry Fee per person:

South African Citizens: Adults: R46 Children: R23

SADC Nationals: Adult: R92 Children: R46

International Visitors: Adult: R132 Children: R66

Cape Coast Accommodation

Cape coastal accommodation with West2Wild Coast


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