Uniondale Watermill


About Uniondale Watermill

Uniondale Watermill

The old watermill in Uniondale was built some time between 1852 and 1854 by a James Stewart.  This mill has an unusually large wheel, in fact the largest known in South Africa.

The mill continued in operation until the 1950's whereafter it deteriorated until it was carefully restored. 

The milling machinery is intact but the wheel is now static.

Directions to Uniondale Watermill

In Uniondale follow the main street (Voortrekker Street or the R339) to the eastern end of town, just before it turns sharply left toward the N9.  At the beginning of the bend is a road on the right, climbing the hill.  Take this road.  At the top it becomes a dirt road and turns to the left.  A short way along this another dirt road branches off to the left towards the Uniondale showgrounds.  The old watermill is at the end of this.

GPS :  33o 39' 21.96"S  /   23o 8' 14.39"E

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