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Oppi Vlak Farm Stall


About Oppi Vlak Farm Stall

Oppi Vlak Farm Stall

Take a break - come and spend some time at our piece of heaven - Oppi-Vlak Farm Stall.

Sit down on the "stoep" or under the shady trees at the Lapa and enjoy a cup of Coffee or a Cool drink with some "Roosterkoek" and a Kudu Russian for lunch while your kids play with "Goggatjie", the tame meerkat.

In the restaurant one can sit down for a scrumptious breakfast, and of course fresh "Roosterkoek" made on the coals.

Inside you will find a carefully selected range of gifts, karoo curios, and items such as hats. Also available are rusks, jams, and other preserves.

There is ample space for the children to get rid of some energy in the fresh Karoo air and to meet some of the farm animals!

Directions to Oppi Vlak Farm Stall

GPS : 32° 59' 53.80" S / 23° 33' 33.35" E

Oppivlak Farm Stall is next to the N9 about 40 km north of Willowmore and about 75 km south of Aberdeen.

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Cape Coast Accommodation

Cape coastal accommodation with West2Wild Coast


oppi vlak farm stall

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