Upington Accommodation Camp Sites

Upington Information

Emerald Oasis of the Northern Cape

Upington is the chief city in the Northern Region of South Africa's Cape. This dry and hot area is characterised by desolate deserts and harsh landscapes. However, do not let that deter you! Upington is a marvellous oasis: the fertile and lush Orange River valley which runs through it provides a green ribbon through the harsh landscapes bringing life-giving water from the distant highlands of Lesotho.

Upington was founded in 1884 and was named after Sir Thomas Upington, the Attorney-General of the Cape. It originated as a mission station established in 1875. The mission station now houses the Kalahari Orange Museum, home of the famous donkey statue, which recognizes the enormous contribution that this animal made to the development of the region during the settlement days of the 19th Century.

Die Eiland holiday resort is on an island in the middle of the Orange River with a Date Palm entrance avenue of 1,041 metres of Palms, which makes it one of the longest and densest palm avenues in the southern hemisphere.

Upington is also strategically situated for visits to the Kgalagadi Transfrontier Park and the Augrabies Falls National Park. The Khoi people called it ‘Aukoerebis’, the place of the Great Noise, referring to the Orange River thundering its way 60 metres downwards in a spectacular waterfall.

Upington Map

Oranjerus Resort
Oranjerus Resort Upington Accommodation Camp Sites
Find a comfortable place where you can relax and be completely quiet. Allow your thoughts to just come and go. Come to Oranjerus Resort for peace, relaxation and renewal of energy.
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Oranjerus Resort Upington Accommodation
Oranjerus Resort Upington Accommodation Camp Sites
Find a comfortable place where you can relax and be completely quiet. Allow your thoughts to just come and go. Come to Oranjerus Resort for peace, relaxation and renewal of energy.
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