Our policy regarding listings
Each establishment should choose the main category under which it wishes to be listed. Any other options offered may be listed on the More Info page.
If you have a second business, separate and distinct from the first, you may submit (and pay for) two listings but the information and photographs must be different and not a duplication of each other. This is for the benefit of the site, and therefore of our clients, as it creates a poor impression among visitors to the site if they keep finding the same information under different guises.
The site already has a choice of towns and types of business. If you feel that none of these provides for your needs, you may make a suggestion to us. We reserve the right, however, to make the final decision as to whether or not to introduce a new category. We shall definitely not entertain ploys to create a category solely for the purpose of a particular establishment to be the only one listed in that category.
For example, we already have a category "Guest House/B&B"; we will NOT create new categories such as "Historical Guest House", "Thatched Roof Guest House", "Olde English Guest House" and so on to serve the interests of one establishment.
ZA Webs reserves the right to decide whether or not to list a business applying for a listing.
ZA Webs reserves the right to suspend a listing in the event of non-payment or non compliance of the Terms and Conditions.
ZA Webs reserves the right, under certain circumstances, to de-list a business. For more in this regard please see our Terms and Condiitions.